Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

berminat mengkoleksi aksesoris kodok

my name is nurul wahyuni,,
populer name is yuyun,,
i like kodok, very cute....

my collection, have this house.

berminat mengkoleksi aksesoris kodok........

this bag.. motif froggy.......

this is pillow,, veryy cute !!!

cute.. cute.... my doll

how ????
froggy is very cute n fun to collection..., >,<

12 komentar:

  1. :) aq jga ska sma boneka atw brang" yg gmbrnya atw bntknya kodok....

    lucu :) d.tmbh lg koleksinya

  2. aq punga banyak malah lucu2....

  3. hihi,... yeez.. so cuuteee..
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    nice to be friend with you..

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